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Welcome to Mr Legit Website! I know you thought this note is gonna further more criticize gang related activities or cultism just like the society and everyone else but I might wanna take you bacc to the fundamental human right of every citizen in this great nation "right to association in any group or movement" "right to practice whatever culture, tradition and religion" and anyone has the right to feel some type of way if they're being excluded from these human rights.

believe it or not Cultism is traditional Cultism is culture, Cultism is a religion.

be you a Muslim or christian might hate a gang member just because it's the complete opposite from your faith but the reality is it's not gne change a damn thing, and the fact the society don't accept cultism for what it is doesn't mean it's criminal. it's not a secret that couple gang members are involved in homicides, robberies, manslaughter, huh, kidnappings and all sort of petty crimes. but the idea word here is "couple", is a whole organization supposed to be responsible for the actions or wrong doings of few members ?

I agree cultism as produced some brutal criminals across the country, same way it has produced some of the country's most influencial celebrities, who'd not want to claim they're gang members publicly because of how the society demonize gangbanging, these celebs are afraid of being judged and I don't consider them real nighas, real nighas stand on what they stand on even with the whole world against it.

bacc to the basics

let's take a look at Islam, Islam as produced some of the biggest well known terrorist all across the globe but that doesn't justify the religion being perceived as a terrorist group vice versa cultism if you wanna be fair.

Christianity has it's own foul sides even though it doesn't involve physical violence because it's not in their faith. apparently couple christians tends to be delusional and perceive their faith superior, if an individual don't live by the Christian faith he or she is perceived unclean and would likely end up with untimely death and eternal suffering in a pit of hell but a Christian can ask for forgiveness and live everlasting life in paradise lol, only a Christian would go near a mosque to win a soul for their God but get mad when a cultist do the same. everyone preaching the gospel ATP.

CULTISM in Nigeria

every individual should be responsible for their actions according to the law guiding this great nation, so basically an individual should be arrested and held to face judgement in a court of law, if found breaking the law. I respect the game for what it is and as a gang member I only know how to be responsible and held accountable for what I did, not the hatred the society have for what I believe or stand on as a man

apparently in Nigeria today whenever it's gang violence, the law enforcement aka the police go after gang members, why? because the Nigerian police force are very unprofessional and can never give account of what the law considers a genuine investigation, therefore in order to stop crime they break the law, at this jurisdiction the society will justify the incompetence of the NPF because they feel like they benefit frm seeing these gang members they criticize behind bars.

the NPF did a sweep in the hood arrested more than 50 "suspected" gang members, strip them their fundamental human rights to remain silent in an interrogation room, torture them to give out bogus information that'd later be used to incarcerate them. by doing so it makes the police job easier and Dem Boyz prolly can't afford a proper defense team. I thought the job of a professional law enforcement is not to do things the easy way but the right way at the end of the day they're running round circles because the individuals responsible for the crimes in the community are outta town before the sweep and will be bacc to continue when the pressure die down.

it's mandatory to do right the right way. so if you must enforce the law, you're obligated to not break the law in the process, Atp the Nigeria police department can be considered bogus and hypocrites ..

the police been handling these situations this way since the early 90's up to 2023 no upgrading? so for all these years still can't come up with developed skills and tools to stop crime without breaking the code of a genuine law enforcement, shidd that's tuff.

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if you justify the NPF bogus behaviors towards gang members, then you have no bizness crying about bad leadership cos they're the architect of what's wrong with all the countries round West Africa errbody deserve a fair shake when it comes to the law for the souljas that fell victim to the corrupt system